============================================================================= Multi-Byte FPDF version: 1.0b ============================================================================= airwhite@airwhite.net << Introduction >> 'mbfpdf.php' was corrected based on 'chinese.php' by which Mr. Oliver was created. As for the treatment of Japanese, the past log of mailing list PHP-Users of Japan and the diary of minatsu of tsunami-sou was very helpful. I want to express gratitude here. << Outline >> 1.The information on a font is managed by "FontName". 2.The information on a font manages Character Width(cw), Underline Thickness (ut) and Underline Position(up). 3.The information on a encode manages CMap name, Ordering and Supplement. 4.Function AddBIG5Font, AddGBFont, and AddSJISFont were summarized in Function AddMBFont. 5.In a Win32 environment, the 'TrueType' font can be registered using 'mkttfdef.bat'. << Install >> require FPDF 1.51 Downloaded "mbfpdf.zip" is uncompress. the "fpdf" holder is overwritten. ( For Japanese user only ) If you want convert encoding to SJIS from EUC-JP, you must change $EUC2SJIS to true.(mbfpdf.php 25st line) << TEST >> You can execute 'exja.php' for Japanese and 'excn.php' for Chinese. << Add TrueType Font >> 1.Open MS-DOS Prompt and move current directory to FPDF's makefont floder. 2.execute 'mkttfdef TTF-File-Name' for update 'mbttfdef.php'. 3.You can use new TTF Font. Thank you.